Reliable Tuya Smart Consumer SecuritySupplier

Tuya Smart Home makes your life easier.
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Trusted by WORLD CLASS Companies


The main product direction is home security — helping you create a safe home. With its ability to monitor and video record your surroundings at all times, it gives you peace of mind when you’re away. The camera can be accessed remotely from anywhere, so if there’s an issue while you’re out or busy, it’ll alert you immediately.

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Tuya Smart Home lets you completely control your home from one single app on your phone. It’s easy to set up and a breeze to use, so you can give it a shot today. With smart switches, smart bulbs, smart security equipment, and smart monitoring products, Tuya Smart Home has everything you need to make life convenient.


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Elit aute irure tempor cupidatat incididunt sint deserunt ut voluptate aute id deserunt nisi.

Provide ON-SITE GUIDANCE for orders over $300,000

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Our workers pack for you

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet.

1. packing
2. crating

Boxing for you from the factory

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet.


Shipping after customs clearance

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet.

4. home delivery
3. shipping

Last-mile home delivery

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet.

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Press and hold Wi-Fi power button for 8-10 seconds to set indicator light to fast flashing. Press and hold again until indicator light slowly flashes. Tap “Confirm indicator slowly blink”. Enter your 2.4GHz Wi-Fi password and tap “Confirm”.
Simply the Tuya Smart is an application to control smart products via mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. The TuyaSmart app is available for both iOS and Android operating systems. To download the app simply scan the QR code or use the links provided below.
We offer two all-in-one apps: Tuya Smart and Smart Life. They are necessary components in the smart ecosystem to connect and control smart devices. You can use them for free without any operation or maintenance costs. You only need to develop the hardware and don't need to invest additional resources in software R&D.
Tuya Smart is a lifestyle app that promotes smart living, allowing you to remote control your home appliances no matter where you are. Smart Life is a more advanced version of the Tuya Smart App, with IFTTT support that gives the users more flexibility and customizability.
Tuya Smart is a lifestyle app that promotes smart living, allowing you to remote control your home appliances no matter where you are. Smart Life is a more advanced version of the Tuya Smart App, with IFTTT support that gives the users more flexibility and customizability.
Share Device: You can share any individual device with others by entering their mobile phone numbers. (Note: Their mobile phone numbers must be registered with Tuya app accounts.)
In order to use a Tuya compatible device, you will need to connect it to your WiFi and register it in the app.
Home Assistant custom Integration for local handling of Tuya-based devices. Device status is updated receiving push updates from the device instead of polling, so status updates are extremely fast (even if manually operated). The following Tuya device types are currently supported: 1 and multiple gang switches.

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